02 September 2009

What just happened?

In the space of about 3 and a half minutes I lost a month... It's taken me a while to realise that it is Spring (hoorah!), and that I need to turn the calendar over, again, and that I truly do not know my arse from my elbow and where the hell the last month has gone... Of course, in reality I do, it's gone on round trips to the doctor, over and over again it seems. At one point I managed to visit my doctor more times then there were actual days in the week, how can that be?

As I sit here typing I am only just recovering from a bout of labyrinthitis (middle ear infection, vertigo, whatever you call it, it ain't nice!). So I have the slight sensation of having drunk half a bottle of wine with none of the fun stuff and all of the dizziness and nausea associated - joy! I have managed to clear both blocked milk ducts - with help from my hungry little man. I am sporadically wiping the blood from the back of my neck, as another one of my Flynn inflicted wounds heals slowly - his nails are like little scalpels! My hair needs washing, I can't remember if I brushed my teeth yet today, and my sweatpants, well, that's enough. Who says motherhood isn't glamorous! Ha!

I tell you though, it is certainly not for the weak or faint-hearted as this month has shown (but now you have the image of me in your heads and you're thinking 'yep, she's on the edge' OK, OK, I'll admit it, I have had my weak and feeble moments and this latest sickness is all bought on by stress and exhaustion I know that, but hey, I made it through the worst bit so now... on with the show).

I can't even remember who or how all this sickness started. But in this short time, we (collectively, as a family, we're a team, we share everything!) have had hacking coughs and oceans of snot; sickness and the other unmentionable bit; fevers and viral infections, that led to one 3am dash to the medical rooms (that was my 2 doctors in 1 day); eczema; 5 month and 4 year vaccinations; croup; and a small nervous breakdown, haha.

But, despite the lingering vertigo and slightly grumpy kids, it is Spring and it feels like it! Warm and sunny and bright. I am so over winter and am pinning my hopes on a disease free season - what are the chances of that happening eh? well I can dream.


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