02 September 2009

Why so Serious?

Our boy has two very different and definite sides to his character, so far.

This one, very serious and contemplative, size you up and think about things whilst giving you his very best Paddington Bear stare.

And the other one is the little joker (hence the title), just like his Mum and big sister. I've got to say though, he is the most handsome little chap isn't he?


Blogger Lil' Eve said...

Those cheeks! So adorable. Hope you guys are well. I'm about to have my own little addition to the clan. Don't worry, nothing as serious as a baby yet...it's a cat! But exciting nonetheless. Let's see if this one lasts longer than my houseplants.... Big hug. X

7:02 PM  
Blogger Domestic Goddess said...

Oh honey, what a time of it you have had. I so missed not seeing you and your beautiful clan. As it turned out I got struck down with a horrible tummy bug on the day we were supposed to catch up and holiday over! But heck not as bad is you guys and blimey have you read The "Twilight" book series, I think your little bruiser and renesesme have a thing or to in common. In fact that is most likely what you need some quality escape time in a good book. WOrks for me.

8:17 PM  

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