03 February 2009

'Mummy my head hurts...'

'I think it's a fairy from my dreams banging around. I better make sure I dream her out tonight eh?'

How gorgeous is that! I wish my brain still worked like hers. Her imagination is just amazing at the moment. Last night she told hubby her own bedtime story, a very, very long and complicated one (another delaying tactic I know, but when she's being so damn cute what can you do?).

So, this morning was her first day back at Preschool, after a 6 week holiday. I was much more nervous then she was! She was so excited to be going back I could barely get her dressed for all the singing and dancing and general goofing off! Brief kiss and cuddle, 'see you at mat time' and off she went. Let's hope she keeps this up even after bubs arrives...

Speaking of which, it really feels like it could happen any day now. Due date is the 17th, Mum arrives on the 10th, so lets see who gets here first... watch this space!


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