08 September 2009

Let me tell you a story

Molly has started to tell stories, in a good way of course, not 'get out of trouble' stories, real stories. She makes them up on the spot and tells Flynn and I. Here is a really cute one she told us yesterday -

'Once upon a time there was a little girl who didn't have any colouring books. She had a chalk board instead with lots and lots of coloured chalks. She drew a picture of a house just like her house, it was pink with big windows. It was a good job. She had a rub-er off-er too, because she made a few mistakes. The windows were triangle shaped, not rectangle like hers windows. And the door was round, and that's not right! So, she rubbed and rubbed and rubbed and rubbed. But instead of just rubbing out her mistakes she accidentally rubbed out the whole thing, so she started again. She drew another house. It was yellow.'

I see a literary future!


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