18 February 2010

And we're back!

OK, so summer is almost officially over. Molly said in the car just the other day 'Mummy, I think the summer is broken', and I think she's right. I am sitting here watching the rain pour outside, I can't see the sea, in fact, I can't see the end of the garden today the clouds are so low! So, no more excuses to not sit down and blog like crazy to catch up from our long, hot (at times!), and good fun summer.

Molly is back at preschool and Flynn is just about getting used to her not being here again - although he does not like it at all and is ecstatic when she gets home in the afternoons, I am very concerned about how he will be when she starts school... not long now eh! waaah!

We had the best summer and Christmas was just lovely, here's a pic of Christmas day -

It was a glorious day. Flynn's first Christmas and he was totally baffled by the whole thing. But Molly made up for his bemusement with her absolute, unending excitement about everything! Her presents were mostly 'awesome' (very kiwi) and Flynn's - which she kindly opened for him - were 'just perfect for a baby'. Yes, I think it's safe to say this year she really understood the whole Christmas thing, it was lovely.

Hubby was off work for a whole two weeks, which was just great, a proper break together, first time since pre-Flynn, and we enjoyed every minute of it.


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