07 March 2009

So far, so good

I've got lots more pictures of my two gorgeous children together, but since I am trying to get this on and published before dinner and Flynn has just started to cry (as he does approximately 10 minutes before dinner every night! who says three weeks is too young for a routine, ha ha!). These will have to suffice for now.

As you can see, Molly is deeply in love with her baby brother and loves to kiss and cuddle him as often as she can.

Her thing at the moment is to ask us to 'tell baby Flynn' everything she says, I don't know if she thinks he can't hear her, or only understands us, who knows. The other thing she says a lot is 'show the baby me', so we have to make him look at her and tell him what she is doing. Pretty cute.

I still don't know my arse from my elbow. But have managed to persuade my Mum to stay another week, phew. Not that she took too much persuading to be honest, but I am more then a little relieved at the prospect of another pair of hands for one more week. I'm not convinced I will ever be ready to go it alone with two of them, and am well aware that I am just delaying the inevitable but for now I am pleased. Ask me again in a week...


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