Is it just me...
Or is everything shit? no, no, no, wrong beginning (but a very funny book, if you get the chance to look at it, you'll laugh your head off, I did!).
Is it just me, or does time just go at the speed of light whenever you open your photo and video files on the PC? I've just realised I've been sat here for almost an hour trawling through pics of our MollyMoo, and now it's 11.30 and I've done nothing with my 'free' morning, but reminisce and ooh and aah at our precious girl. Which is no bad thing really.
Blimey (which is, incidentally, one of Moo's favourite words at the moment, very cute) we've got a load of stuff on here. I keep meaning to transfer some onto disk (although I think Kris backs up fairly often). Or even better, fill up some of our beautiful photo albums with actual pictures - should've been doing that while I was surfing through them eh!?
I'm so thankful for all our video clips too, digital cameras are just the dogs. All those forgotten little mannerisms and phrases, saved for posterity (or embarassing montages at 18th birthday parties, whichever). Like I'd forgotten how she used to say cuggly for cuddle, chis for kiss, gogapus for octopus, and dogfin for dolphin, and peepeela for caterpillar, and, and, and... I know the list is endless and very dull for everyone but us, but I'm glad all the same.
Right what can I do for the next hour... maybe look at some more photos...
I would just love to hear the whole blimey it would be so cute, what a great age I too have the sholder shrug and now she throws in the most hateful look and the little bugger wont blink when I try and stare her out, I just blow in her face and shout LOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOSER!
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