26 March 2006

Ooh it feels wintry!

Molly and I spent the day in our pyjamas today (while Daddy DIY-ed, the hallway is looking lovely!). Well, why not, we weren't going anywhere, the heat pump has been on all day and we were cosy. Yes, I could have changed into track pants, and Molly could have put on a babygro but what was the point? Exactly, none! We did put on clean ones after our bath though - we're not pigs, eh!! Ha ha!

Anyway, the point I was trying to make, while inadvertantly admitting to extreme sloth, is that today for the first time this year it felt really wintry. Proper thermal socks weather. Which reminds me, I must get Moomy some long johns.

Her Nan has sent her a snowsuit and if we want to take her up into the mountains this year (which we really do), she'll need all the right gear. We have gloves, hats, scarves, vests, socks and suit, but no long johns. We'll be buying her purple and black stripe ones to match Mummys (if you've not seen the photo of me in mine at approx. 9 months pregnant, you've missed the best laugh at my expense ever!)

I'm so looking forward to taking Molly toboganning and tramping in the snow. She's going to love it. She gets excited enough just getting into the back pack, the snow will be an added bonus. Can't wait!


Blogger desert flower said...

So where is the picture of you in your long johns ? I so do want a laugh at your expense, sorry !!

3:16 AM  

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