27 February 2006

33 degrees!

Blimey it's been hot today!

The thermometre hit 33 degrees at about midday and it really has only just started to cool down in the last hour... phew! My sister (in the UK) says it's around 4 degrees, with a wind chill of -2 there at the moment, with occasional snow. That just makes it feel even hotter here!

So, we spent most of today in and around the paddling pool. What a joy. Molly loves it and has started to crawl around in it, rather then try to walk (which is always slightly nerve wracking) and was having the best time. Molly's little friend Eva was here too, much fun was had by all.

Of course, I have to get in with her, she's only little and the pool is very big. It was a Christmas present from Nan (one of far, far too many!), so we were under instruction to buy her one that would grow with her. It's about 2 metres long and 1/2 metre high. Obviously we only fill it a couple of inches, but a teeny tot like her could get scared in there all on her own. Plus, it's just too hard to resist in this kind of heat - and was much appreciated by Eva's heavily pregnant Mum too!

So, let the sun keep on shining, and we'll keep on swimming in the garden. Woo hoo!!


Blogger GLP said...


Thanks for your letter! It arrived in the UK yesterday. We will respond. But we've got 2 little girls with colds and teething running around the place... I'm sure you can imagine. Speak soon.


11:36 AM  
Blogger Jules said...

I've got one little girl doing the same at this very moment! What a joy! So yes, I can imagine, Molly x 2, can't be that much fun! Bonjela is good, hmmmm Bonjela!

6:34 PM  

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