04 June 2008

Can I have a scibuit please?

We're loosing more and more of our mispronounced (but terribly cute) little words by the day now, and I just wanted to note them down before we forget.

Since the day Molly could talk biscuits have been scibuits (simple switch of the two sounds - so adorable), even when we tried the whole b b b biscuit with her, she would say b b b scibuit. But now it's gone. And she is so proud of herself that she will re-say it as often as it takes for us to congratulate her. E.g., 'Mummy please can I have a biscuit?... biscuit? bissssscuit? ummm lovely bbbbbbisscuit thanks. Great bisccccccuits Mum.' You get the idea.

Along with scibuit, goes skabet - not quite as cute, but funny nonetheless - meaning basket. Now we knew she really had the hang of this when she asked if she could put her BISCUITS into the shopping BASKET please. With a great big grin on her face, aaawww.

Budyful, as in, Mummy look at those budyful flowers, is now beautiful (more like beootiful, but it's all good). And more often then not this will be accompanied by a 'wonderful' too - she loves this word. So much so in fact that the other day she accidentally burped at me midsentence, after hooting with laughter she said 'hey Mummy, that was a wonderful burp!' I couldn't help but agree!

Pacpac is now back pack. She has two, one owl, one penguin. Both stuffed with all her essentials, mobile phone, hair ties, photos of her cousins (which need updating desperately, they must be at least 5 years old and said cousins would probably be mortified that she still shows them off!), her little people and, of course, cooty cat - she means cutie cat, her small white fluffy friend... not a cat with herpes! We went on the tram for a bit of a jolly the other day and she pulled her binoculars ('nocalurs') out of her back pack 'to see better' - I thought the conductor was going to fall off laughing when he saw her sitting there like a miniature bird watcher. Clever little thing.

She can now say potato and tomato correctly, but refuses to do so. Mainly I think because she knows how funny/cute she sounds when she says 'see you later sweet tatater' and 'bumato sauce please'.

You'll have to excuse my rambling on about this, but I don't want to forget all the funny little things she says, and this seems as good a place as any to write them down.


Blogger Domestic Goddess said...

Oh I know, but thakfully I can take comfort in Ella's hearing and hopefully the cute words will stay longer. Poppy is even saying some words with more clarity. My favourite is the "Froygert" any idea? it is actually Toilet!

Pops is now putting together some words like "I will get it"
so very different

9:33 PM  

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